Friday, November 6, 2009

Resources Worth Paying For

In this information society there is much information that is made freely available. However there are still some resources that one must pay in order to enjoy. Some of these are well worth it and should be a part of information gathering tools. Here are five that I consider must haves that I use constantly to stay abreast of what is going on in the black community as well as keep up with opportunities and tools that will improve my life. Just yesterday I learned of while reading the latest issue of Black Enterprise magazine. Below are my 5 must have information resources:

1. Black Enterprise Magazine subscription
2. XM Radio subscription (particularly for talk radio Joe Madison, Al Sharpton, Warren Ballatine, and Mario Armstrong)
3. Fast Company magazine subscription
4. Cable or Satellite Television (Mainly for TVOne)
5. Wall Street Journal

Let me know what you think of these. What would you add to the list?


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