This week Mateen and I discuss why no one should use this word, no matter what comedians and young people say. This word was used to denigrate and destroy a race of people for hundreds of years and it needs to be laid to rest. We are the only people on the planet who have embraced a word used to destroy us. If this is not true please show me a Jewish person who says we used the word 'kike' among ourselves because we have made it a term of endearment or the Mexican who has redefined the word 'spic' in a loving way amongst themselves. We need to dispense with this nonsense and correct those who are behaving in error and making a mockery of our ancestors. Perhaps our desire to continue using this word is a manifestation of the Stockholm Syndrome.
If you want more information regarding the origin of this word, please check out 'Malcolm X On Afro American History'. Another great work is 'Chains and Images of Psychological Slavery' by Na'im Akbar.
Part of the problem with the liberal use of the n-word is the exposure given by the newsmedia to high profile rap artists who advocates use of the n-word without being challenged.
Greetings Mr. Smith,
I could not agree more. One of the best ways to end this nonsense with rap artists is to educate the consumers who support them. I was a big fan of comedian Eddie Griffin and rapper TuPac Shakur, but once I understood they would stop the ignorance of using this word I could no longer support them by purchasing their music.
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